Saturday, December 28, 2019

6 Data Challenges Managers and Organizations Face

6 Data Challenges Managers and Organizations Face6 Data Challenges Managers and Organizations FaceWe work in a data-centric world. Managers are bombarded with data via reports, dashboards, and systems. Were regularly reminded to make data-driven decisions. Senior leaders salivate at the promise of Big Data for developing a competitive edge, yet most struggle to agree on what it is, much less describe the expected tangible benefits. The role of data scientist is in hot demand with projected shortfalls in this emerging, important role expected for years. Organizations are spending a fortune every year installing software to capture, store and analyze data. Marketing departments are increasingly filled with technical, data-savvy professionals at the expense of creative roles. The world of business is a data-focused world, yet it is important to recognize that data is not an end unto itself. Like everything else we draw upon in ur work, data is a tool filled with promise. In the right ha nds with the proper approaches, the kompetenz for data to support decision-making is remarkable. However, dont get lulled into the false belief that acquiring and analyzing data is without risk. Lets rub a bit of the polish off of the idea of data as business savior and help identify some of the potential pitfalls this new resource presents for all of us. Forewarned is forearmed. Poor Data Quality While we are accustomed to thinking about quality in the context of physical objects or products, it turns out data quality is a material issue for every firm all of the time. Data stored in structured databases or repositories is often incomplete, inconsistent or out-of-date. It is likely you have been on the receiving end of a simple example of a data quality issue. Most of us can recall receiving duplicate mailings from marketers addressed to slightly different or radically different versions of our actual name. The marketers database contains duplicate records with our address and different, often erroneous spellings or variations of our name. We recycle the duplicate mail as junk, and the marketer incurs excess costs in the form of printing and mailing all due to a simple data quality issue. Amplify this mistake by many hundreds or thousands of records and this small data quality error turns costly. The issue of data quality grows in importance as we strive to make decisions on strategies, markets, and marketing in near real time. While software and solutions exist to help monitor and improve the quality of structured (formatted) data, the real solution is a significant, organization-wide commitment to treating data as a valuable asset. In practice, this is difficult to achieve and requires extraordinary discipline and leadership support. Drowning in Data Data is everywhere in an organization. Consider customer data. Most organizations have become skilled at capturing information about customers and prospects. Marketing collects data from people who atte nd live or web events or who download content.Executives use data to support or define new strategies.Sales collect data about customers involved in the sales process.Customer Support captures information about calls and chats.Management teams draw upon data and key metrics for scorecards.Customer data is used in accounting for billing purposes and by quality and customer insight teams for monitoring customer satisfaction. We capture customer information in a variety of different software systems, and we store the data in a variety of data repositories. One Global Fortune 100 firm recognized as much as 10-percent of their customer data was held locally by employees on their computers in spreadsheets. Another organization regularly polls their sales representatives for business card data before running marketing campaigns. Much like the ocean-going sailor stranded in a lifeboat after his ship sunk, theres water everywhere, but not a drop to drink. We have the same phenomenon in our b usinesses. Data is everywhere, and increasingly data is available from social and search feeds in real time. If the data is not easily accessible or, if we have duplicate or incomplete data, we are unable to leverage it for its intended purpose. Increasingly organizations are integrating their disparate software applications and simplifying the process of collecting and aggregating data across the enterprise. Along with data quality, however, this effort is expensive, time-consuming and it never ends. Growing Data Volumes We are making more and more data at a pace that is difficult to comprehend. Experts suggest that every two years (and shrinking) we are creating more data than existed on the planet earth for all of civilization. Most of this new data is unstructured, versus that type of data that is neatly entered into our software and database applications. For example, all of the tweets about your product or brand represent a potential treasure trove of insights, yet this da ta is unstructured, increasing the complexity of capturing and analyzing it. While there are many software offerings to help with this challenge, the unstructured data represents a new torrent of raw material for processing, with all of the inherent complexity and quality issues discussed in this article. Garbage-In, Garbage-Out Data analytic software is only as good as the data feeding it. The common thread in this issue of leveraging data for advantage is quality. While many firms invest significant dollars in powerful new data-crunching applications, crunching dirty data leads to flawed decisions. Beware of blindly trusting the output of data analysis endeavors. You must be confident that you can trust the data used in the analysis. Data Analyses Are Not Conclusive We accept the output of data analyses as conclusive, but it is not. In reality, data analysis most often showcases correlation, not causation It is easy to fall into the trap of trusting the output of data an alyses and confusing correlation with causation. Correlation showcases a relationship, but it in no way implies that A causes B. Establishing a causal relationship is nirvana for making accurate, insightful decisions. It is also incredibly difficult to prove. If you inordinately trust an output and assume a causal relationship where none exists, your decisions will be fatally flawed. Amplified Biases Our cognitive biases are amplified when it comes to evaluating data. As one wise data scientist once intoned, At the end of the most complicated and exhaustive analysis of data, a human being still has to draw an inference and make a decision. And when we reach that point where we have to assess the meaning of the data analysis, our biases come into play. Many of us tend to trust or rely on data that supports our positions and expectations and suppress data that does the opposite. We also trust data from sources we like or, we rely on data that is the most recent. All of these bias es contribute to the challenges and potential for mistakes from our data analyses. How to Begin to Tame the Data for Your Use as a Manager Developing an enterprise-wide data strategy is critical for every business, yet is beyond the scope of this article. Instead, here are seven ideas you can use as a manager to improve your use of data in your daily decision-making. Recognize Biases Recognize and mitigate the potential for biases. Seek out data that expands the picture or conflicts with the data in front of you. Encourage an external observer to evaluate your assumptions around data. Data Management Strengthen your understanding of data management. There are ample free sources of insights on the web, and many organizations offer seminars or workshops on data analytics and business intelligence. Many universities have added courses for this booming field. Keep sharpening your skills. Complete Data Ask yourself or your team, What data do we need to make this decision? Too often, we rely on the data at hand and ignore the need to seek more data to complete the picture. Correlation and Causation Be critically aware of the difference between correlation and causation. As described earlier, confusing these two is a potentially dangerous pitfall for decision-making. Quality-Check Your Data If your firm does not have a data quality or master data management commitment, invest the time to evaluate your data for obvious errors, including duplicate, incomplete or erroneous records. There are many commercially available software applications or to support this activity, and many firms draw upon the expertise of data experts to query and assess the data quality. Also, consider external service providers who can help cleanse the data for you. Importantly, focus on continuously improving the quality of your data. Data Quality Advocate for stronger data quality and management efforts across your firm. This work has often been the domain of IT or technical professionals, yet data has the potential to serve as a strategic asset. Every manager must care about the firms ability to better leverage data for decision-making and strategy execution. Technical and Data-Savvy Talent Add technical and data-savvy talent to your team. Sales and marketing departments understand the power of engaging individuals skilled in the latest technologies and competent at navigating many of the data challenges outlined in this article. Technology and data are no longer the domain or responsibility of a single function in an enterprise. The Bottom Line The firms and managers who learn to leverage data for improved decision-making will win in the marketplace. These organizations will be able to monitor and respond to changing conditions, and emerging customer needs faster than their data challenged competitors. They will be the first to glean insights from social media dialog, and they will win the battle to know and engage customers at a dee per level- all based on data. This is not a fad, but rather a new reality of managing and competing in todays world. Just watch out for the pitfalls on this journey.

Monday, December 23, 2019

To stay calm, watch nature documentaries

To stay calm, watch nature documentariesTo stay calm, watch nature documentariesThere is something about nature documentaries that captivates us - whether its learning about the way the Flamboyant Cuttlefish masks its movements across the sea floor, or the courtly, spinningmating dance of the bird of paradise, we see metaphors for our own behavior in that of wild animals.And its not in my head. BBC Earth found that watching nature documentaries, even through a laptop or TV screen, makes us happier.Nature documentaries are the secret to chillResearchers had7500 participants from the U.S., U.K., Singapore, India, South Africa and Australia look at various video clips, including a nature documentary, a news clip, and funny footage. ThePlanet Earth II clips had a direct positive impact on participants mood.Watching virtual nature increased participants amazement, wonder, curiosity, and interest and decreased theirnervousness, anxiety and fear. Although everyone welches happy to see the Earth in all its glory, the positive effect was 35% greater in women than amongst men.Generational differences had an impact too participants aged 16-24 reported stronger positive feelings than older participants.Seeing and being in the outdoorsmakes us happyUniversity of California, Berkeley professor Dacher Keltner, who oversaw the study, explained why these positive emotions mattered We know that wonder and contentment are the foundations of human happiness. If people experience feelings of awe, they are more likely to display empathetic and charitable behaviours and have been shown to be better able to handle stress.O The joyThe BBC Earth study shows us that you dont need to have ready access to nature to experience its positive effects. Seeing it in any form is enough to provoke joy. Look no further than what explorer William Clark wrote in his journal when he thought he saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time in 1805 Ocian in view O the joy.Clarks joy at seeing something that wasnt going to food-poison him on his hellish expedition goes along with E.O. Wilsons Biophilia hypothesis.Wilson finds that we are biologically predisposed to love nature. The BBC Earth researchers cited Wilson, noting that nature can produce emotions, thought patterns, and actions that lead people to find resource rich natural environments that provide optimal food, shelter, and comfort.One theory Looking at nature reminds us of our hunter-gatherer pasts when it was our only source of survival.Greenery lowers stress hormones at workBeing close to greenery also has mental health benefits. Analyzing 10,000 city dwellers, a study found that regardless of peoples income, education, or employment, people who lived closer to green space reported less mental distress. In Japan, professor Yoshifumi Miyazaki found thatpeople who looked at forests for 20 minutes had their stress hormones decrease by 13.4% compared to people in urban areas.Miyazaki callswalking through dense green spaces fo rest bathing, and his findings have influenced Japans government, which has created several forest therapy centers.If you cant access a forest, bring a forest to you.U.K researchers found that offices with houseplants had more productive employees. With just a few houseplants within an employees eyesight, they would become 15% more productive than workers in minimalist offices.One of the studys researchers, Dr. Chris Knight, said that if you are working in an environment where theres something to get you psychologically engaged, you are happier and you work better. If you have a green thumb, consider getting a succulent to keep you company at your desk.Whether youre ocean gazing or forest bathing, these studies all confirm that being reminded of living breathing things that exist beyond your cubicle is healthy for you.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Air Force Stressed Job Listing

Air Force Stressed Job ListingAir Force Stressed Job ListingThe U.S. Air Forces Non-Commissioned Officer Retraining Program (NCORP) will allow veteran airmen (E-5 and above) who have re-enlisted at least once to retrain into undermanned job specialties in 2019. These undermanned specialties are referred to as stressed jobs. Airmen applying for such jobs must already be in career fields that are adequately manned. Staff sergeants applying must have less than 12 years of active duty, and E-7s and E-8s must have fewer than 16 years of service to be eligible to retrain under the NCORP.DefinitionTheAir Force publishesstressed jobseach spring after it examines all enlisted and commissioned officer jobs and assigns stress ratings.Stress is driven by three main factors manpower, manning, and deployments. The driving force is different for each career field, but when a career field is stressed, it means there are not enough people to adequately carry out the assigned mission.The stress levels provide Air Force leadership with an objective, single means to measure Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) jobs. The results serve as an indicator of problems- not an absolute statement of problems. The formula provides a starting point to pick out abnormalities. It also allows Air Force leadership to measure progress. The stress level is assigned based on these parametersA stress level of 1.0 meansthere is no deployment or home station shortfall.A stress level greater than 1.0 meansthere is a shortfall. The shortfall is expressed as a percentage of assigned partnel. For example, a stress-level rating of 1.2 means that each person at a home station, on average, is doing the work of 1.2 people. A stress level lower than 1.0 meansthere is a surplus. The surplus is expressed as a percentage of assigned personnel. For example, a stress-level rating of 0.8 means that each person at a home station, on average, is doing the work of 0.8 people.Air Force GoalsThe Air Force has a goal of trying to achieve a stress level of 1.2 or less for each AFSC job. Just because a job is considered stressed, does not necessarily mean that thejob has openings for new recruits. The AFSC may be adequately manned in the first-termer (new recruits) ranks but considered stressed because of a shortage in the noncommissioned officer (NCO) ranks.Even if the stress is caused or partially caused by a shortage of personnel in the first-termerranks, available training seats come into play. Air Force technical schools can train only so many students at any given time, and all the projected training slots already may be filled by people already in the Delayed Enlistment Program (DEP), or already in the Air Force, but awaiting a training slot.Increasing the number of training slots available is generally not a viable option. Adding more slots means adding more resources. More instructors must be added, dormitory space would need to be added, support personnel would need to be increased, chow halls ex panded, etc. This process is neither cheap nor fast.These are the top stressed jobs in the Air Force, as of 2019AFSCCareer FieldSlots Available for 2018-193p0Security forces3181B411Cyber warfare operations career field2093F211Education and training career field1561C311Command post-career field1244N051FAerospace medical service job1161A111Flight engineer field1151a911Special missions aviation field- Gunner AC1301084N051FFlight and operational medicine technicians914N051CIndependent duty medical technicians59

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Improve Your Job Interview Strategy in 2015

Improve Your Job Interview Strategy in 2015Improve Your Job Interview Strategy in 2015The New Year is a great time to reflect on bad habits that limit your potential. If youre job-hunting or looking to make a career change, its also a perfect time to identify how your habits and attitude might affect the results of your job search.Not only does a negative attitude repel human resources managers, but approaching the job hunt with a bad attitude will also limit your options from the start. Youll be less likely to apply to jobs that might be a great fit, and youll identify fewer possibilities.The best way to eliminate a negative attitude is to counter your negative self-talk with action. Here are five common job hunt excuses and how to beat them.I Send so Many Applications, and I Never Get the JobIts easy to pay lip service to perseverance and persistence, but its hard to live it in real life when youve sent hundreds of applications without a response. But so many candidates approach th e job hunt as a numbers game (the more applications, the more opportunities) that they ignore the role that quality plays in the application process. For every application that catches an HR managers eye, there may be five that go straight to recycling.Submitting a high volume of resumes might not be a bad idea for your job search, but your goal for 2015 is to focus on quality instead of quantity. Customize your resume and cover letter for every job and make it clear how you would use your unique skills and experiences to meet the needs of this position. Include as many numbers and figures as possible to illustrate the value you bring to each position and proactively address each of your challenges.Im Too Old to Get the JobDespite the discrimination protection offered by the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), ageism in the workplace is a real fear for many job candidates. This fear can make it difficult to apply for jobs or attend bewerbungsinterviews with confidence. It c an also lead you to inadvertently focusing on the parts of the job you are not comfortable with or can overlap with stereotypes about your age such as not being comfortable with technology or checking out of your career before you retire.Its time for an attitude adjustment. Instead of being afraid of being aged out of your industry, do what you have always done to stay competitive in your field binnenseek out new ways to do your job as quickly and efficiently as possible. If you approach each job application and interview from this angle, youll be able to present your experience in a compelling and inspiring way. Then revamp your resume in an ageless way and use your personal time for age-specific personal development.Im Too Young to Get the JobYou might see a new opportunity or feel passionately about the position or the company only to find out the position calls for a lot more experience at a much higher pay grade. Or you might be frustrated by the pressure to commit to your curr ent job before you have the experience to know whether or not it is the right fit for you.Relax. Every HR manager wants to uncover a diamond in the rough. Your interviewer isnt necessarily looking for someone with a perfect experience match, but he or she does want to see indications that you are passionate, dedicated and competent. If youre interviewing for jobs that require more experience or education, do what you can to focus on what experience and insight you do have. Talk up examples that have made you confident that you can do the job and identify ways in which youll continue to educate yourself and take on new opportunities.My Experience isnt Specific Enough for This PositionIf youre making a career change, you might find yourself applying to jobs that dont fit your experience. You may love the company, the industry or the role but feel outgunned about sharing your experience and your vision for the position itself. After all, they must be interviewing candidates with a perf ect track record within this industry, right?Dont let this situation discourage you. Its very rare that you will head into a job interview with 100 percent perfect experience for the job. Counter this experience mismatch by making your experience more specific to the job. Research the company thoroughly and reference how your experience and insight will apply to specific situations in this companys future. Show, dont tell, how your experience makes you a great fit for succeeding in this position.My Work Record isnt Great, So No One Will Hire MeIf you have a poor work record with periods of unemployment or several dismissals and you dont think anything is wrong, you probably wont get the job. No one wants to work with someone who isnt self-aware, and no one wants to hire someone like that, either. The only way to move forward after terminations and self-induced unemployment (layoffs generally do not negatively affect your work record) is to own up to your mistakes and express genuine learning from them.If you have an interview its because you show potential. But youll be asked to account for your record. Responsible, effective workers are self-aware and own up to their mistakes. To communicate your trustworthiness, its up to you to address your past failures proactively and share what you have learned from them. Provide character references that speak to your changed attitude and willingness to learn on the job. Let the HR manager decide if its time for a second chance. Dont make the decision for them by being negative or not facing your past.Is something holding you back from a new year of job hunting and interviewing? The good news is that youre in complete control of the most important part of the interview your attitude. Take some time to reflect on how to make this year more positive and more successful by reviewing your most common types of negative self-talk and countering them with actionable advice.

Monday, December 9, 2019

New Ideas Into College Internship Resume Never Before Revealed

New Ideas Into College Internship Resume Never Before Revealed Work experience doesnt have to be listed chronologically. Opportunities to teach between semesters can prove to be an ideal summer program. In addition, you can look for internships on Monster. Internships and volunteer function might also be described within this report. Writing a resume for an internship can be challenging, particularly if youre just starting to enter the professional world. Youre going to see an ideal internship resume example. It would really are based on the internship, particularly if it involves marketing or PR, Dudak states. Landing an internship at a huge newspaper would be a big accomplishment. Verbal and written communication skills are essential, Johnson states. Its great practice to keep your resume to a single page also. Very good grammar is also warranted in regards to writing a fantastic and impressive resumes. Its not only for education majorspeer tutors are regular students p ursuing a lot of different degree alternatives. You are able to have the very best college admissions resume on earth. High school isnt free in Kenya. Generally speaking, higher school students have a tendency to concentrate on their club participation whilst college students often incorporate major class projects. College Internship Resume for Dummies Most employers arent expecting you to get extensive experience because an internship is generally the very first experience students have in their area. Providing a substantial sum of information about yourself to your college interviewer may give you an advantage. Remember that HR personnel of the majority of companies are extremely good in regards to detail. Prospective companies will probably be scrutinizing the resume and could notify the type of person you may be by what you incorporate and the way arranged it seems to be. It isnt vital that you opt for an entire time course for an zwischenstaatlich academic exposure. If youve got prior work experience in the business then you are going to get a better prospect of receiving an internship in finance in India. A well written resume is one that is not so overwhelming in the opinion of employers. Finding a new job every year appears bad on a resume and will hurt your odds of being hired later on. Aside from the forementioned details, its important to realise that its good to create the look and feel of your resume attractive, it shouldnt be overdone in order to defeat its objective. You must be patient and relentless by writing to the business and follow this up with phone calls if you are intent on convincing them to make an internship. One other important detail to remember is keep more relevant experience close to the top. Focus your time and energy just on learning because theres lot of opportunities waiting for the best candidate. Because colleges receive a lot of applications. If your residence or university address is not anywhere near t he businesss location, list an alternate address nearby where they can get in anflug with you. Include these as well, ever since your GPA and college tests are an integral aspect in the selection approach. Dont despair if change career resume examples appear to be not working as its very possible that youll need some expert assistance whos a specialist in the area. You cant blame them since they are trained to sift through loads of resumes everyday simply to discover the ideal candidate for employment. It is a huge approach to swiftly demonstrate an employer why youre a strong candidate for a position. Finding an internship is a good approach to test a variety of fields, discover new jobs you may be interested in, or gain valuable expertise in your areas of interest.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Adjectives for Writing and Resume - an in Depth Anaylsis on What Works and What Doesnt

Adjectives for Writing and Resume - an in Depth Anaylsis on What Works and What Doesnt Since recent graduates dont often have a lot of experience, its important to demonstrate the method by which they have the correct spirit to attack challenges they may encounter in the workplace. Essentially, a CV can be compared to a big database of an individuals achievements. Resume objectives can be somewhat controversial. Whenever you wish to emphasize that youre ambitious, that you understand what you want in a career, or you have the skills for the particular job, you could benefit from a resume objective. The 5-Minute Rule for Adjectives for Writing and Resume Utilizing action verbs and active voice makes a big difference in your resume, therefore its well worth the additional work. You want mora of the keywords they start looking for and many occurrences for each individual keyword. It is possible to use closely-related synonyms, but its best to simply use the very same adjectives and keywords. There are different words and phrases that you are likely knowledgeable about. All our writers pass a considerable procedure to look at their abilities. Writing plays will enhance your dialogue. Its particularly important if writing your work experience. Secondly, you should establish if you possess knowledge and techniques outside project management in that area. One of the risks of a resume objective is that it is possible to focus too much on what you would like in your career, and not enough on how youll add value to the provider. If youve got minimal work experience, you will need to highlight different characteristics of your job responsibilities to appeal to every individual hiring manager. As a result, while your resume objective should consist of information on the career which you want, you also wish to spell out why you are the perfect candidate for the job. The absolute most efficient objective is one which is tailored to the job youre applying for. New Ideas Into Adjectives for Writing and Resume Never Before Revealed Writing in complete sentences will make you be descriptive. Utilizing action verbs in resume writing is as simple as any other type of writing, so long as you know what things to include and what things to look for. Sparingly utilize words of authority if you dont have the experience to untersttzung it. Whenever your deadline is tight, you will likely write us nervously write my essay and think well see what you need from 1 sentence. Resumes are somewhat more effective with the correct adjectives. Naturally, adjectives shouldnt be utilized in a haphazard way. Only utilize adjectives to describe yourself if youre well prepared to back this up immediately afterwards. The ideal adjectives are an important portion of a great resume. What is Actually Happening with Adjectives for Writing and Resume Its also completely unnecessary to utilize it on a resumebecause a well-written expert experience sectio n ought to be all about showcasing powerful outcomes of your actions. Writing classified ads will make you write succinctly. Use confident to demonstrate you know who you are as a man and that it is possible to carry any tasks without being afraid or hesitating. A resume objective can explain why youre qualified for the job, even if its the case that you do not own a lot of related experience.